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Introducing Meshworks Sculptor V 3.0 - the next generation on Finite Element / CFD Pre-processors including features like automatic Hexa Hedral Meshing due to be released on August 15, 2006
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Meshworks - Sculptor

Meshworks / Sculptor
Case Studies

"Meshworks Sculptor” is a Finite Element and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) meshing tool kit for rapid generation of meshes from CAD data. These tools are aimed at reducing modeling time significantly and eliminating burdensome manual meshing methods. These powerful tools are not available in today’s FE pre-post processors. This software has the potential to reduce modeling time from 50-90% depending on the type of the model. This product address the major need in the industry today that is disabling rapid prediction of product performance – MODEL BUILDING.

  • Today model building is the most laborious and intense part of the analysis process. Using our specialized technology what could take a customer 6 weeks to build a model of a complex engine block can now be reduced to 1 day.
  • These kinds of tools also help with manufacturers bring down the product development cycle down drastically.
  • This tool provided the manufacture the ability to predict more accurately the performance of the product and is eagerly awaited in the market place
  • These kinds of tools will help the productivity of the worker right at work place and will minimize the need for outsourcing to near and off shore locations
  • Developed by highly experienced CAE researchers, consultants and software specialists
  • Modeling time will be reduced by 50% to 90% depending on the model
  • Better mesh quality than conventional methods
  • CAD clean up minimal to none. Can handle unclean CAD data
  • HEXA dominant solid meshes – Automatic
  • Algorithms utilize mapping as well as unstructured techniques – best of both worlds.
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