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About DEP


Detroit Engineered Products is a Michigan based engineering consulting and software products firm specializing in the area of Product Development products and solutions. All of the products and services are aimed at reducing the overall product development cycle and bring products faster to market. The company has been in business since 1998 providing the tools and services to all major automotive OEM’s and several major Tier I suppliers.

Our main office is in Troy, MI and our Global Innovation Center is located in Chennai, India. We are represented around the world by our 14 partners companies that provide software support to the local customers. Countries that we currently serve include Japan, Korea, China, Korea, Taiwan, Belgium, Germany, Malaysia, India and Singapore.

Our core strengths are in the following areas:

  • Advanced Engineering Consulting
  • Product development services including CAD and CAE
  • Knowledge Based Engineering Wizards
  • Low cost engineering services using our Global Innovation center in India
  • Design optimization
  • Custom Engineering Software development
  • Advanced Vehicle Control system Development
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